The United Police States of America

The United Police States of America

In a police state a government exercises power arbitrarily through rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political lives of its citizens.  This is occurring across the country in states likes North Carolina where the...
Joliet, January 2013 and Chicago, January 2017

Joliet, January 2013 and Chicago, January 2017

Let’s be clear up front. This is not a piece about what is right or wrong, or how two wrongs do or don’t make something right, or any other social debate surrounding the issues or positions associated with something being right or wrong, or right versus...
Who Are We Really Upset With?

Who Are We Really Upset With?

A lot of Black people are upset with the results of our past election. Some are upset with others for not voting the way they did. Most are upset with those (especially family and friends) who did not vote. If a Black person reveals to others they did...
To bank Black or to not bank Black?

To bank Black or to not bank Black?

We’re not going to get too deep with this one.  We’re just asking some basic common sense questions, to get us thinking, about something that is all the buzz in the community right now. On its surface the Bank Black Campaign seems like...
Face it, the Hate is Real

Face it, the Hate is Real

The group 24/7 Wall St took a look at the Annual Hate Group Census data provided by the SPLC.  Based on that data they deduced the following salient point:  Black people are the most hated group of people in the country. In...